Eride Quarta got the prestigious EUFEPS Women in Pharmaceutical Sciences Award 2021. The Women in Pharmaceutical Sciences (WIPS) initiative was established in 2017 by EUFEPS, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences, with the aim of supporting the research of woman researchers, also facilitating international mobility and active participation in congresses.
More information about our Research Scientist, Dr. Eride Quarta
Eride is a young researcher graduated in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical technology, actually she is employed in SME Parmesan PlumeStars, funded in September 2013 at the University of Parma, who designs and develops orphan medicinal products and anti SARS CoV-2 drugs which has its headquarters at the Department of Pharmaceutical and Food Sciences of the University of Parma.
Eride was a PhD student in Pharmaceutical Sciences of Biomolecules and Health Products at the Advanced Drug Delivery Research laboratory of the University of Parma directed by Prof. Ruggero Bettini from 2017 to 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Fabio Sonvico and Prof. Paolo Colombo.
The oral communication “Inhalable Microparticles Embedding Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles for Heart Target”
During the EUFEPS 2021 Annual Meeting, which took place virtually due to the pandemic from 7th to 9th June, Dr. Eride Quarta presented the oral communication “Inhalable Microparticles Embedding Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles for Heart Target”. Eride studies the administration of pulmonary drugs, devising new medicines suitable for this route.
“The study object of the award – said Eride – concerns an innovative inhalation therapy for cardiovascular diseases patented by PlumeStars in collaboration with CNR. During my PhD together to 12 international partners of the European project CUPIDO Horizon 2020 we’ve manufactured respirable microparticles, containing calcium phosphate nanoparticles loaded with biomolecules for a release directly to the diseased heart. The inhalation powder was administered to pigs in which systolic heart failure was induced and it was observed how the peptide released by the nanoparticles was transferred directly to the heart, restoring cardiac contractility. I think that this award dedicated to women involved in pharmaceutical sciences can raise the opportunities for women in corporate leadership position”– concluded Eride Quarta.