From 31/05/2023 to 01/06/2023, Prof. Paolo Colombo invited by the University of Liege (B), as Emeritus of University of Parma and CEO of PlumeStars, entered the nominated Committee for the evaluation Audit of the Center of Interdisciplinary Research on Medicines (CIRM)
The other members of the committee were:
- Yves-Michel Ginot, President of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Orleans, FR ()
- Prof. Christophe Junot, University Paris-Saclay, FR.
- Prof. Franck Saint-Marcoux University of Limoges (FR)
- Prof. Jean-Luc Veuthey University of Geneve (CH)
The University of Liège decided to complete its self-evaluation document, asking for the opinion to the group of external experts. The Committee analysed the Research and Teaching aspects carrying on an on-site visit. During the visit, they talked with the various representatives of the Research Units. A short oral summary at the end of the visit has been presented to the researcher, student administrative persons of CIRM and Department of Pharmacy contacted.
The Committee will produce a written report that covers both the observations made during the visit, to send to the “Service de Management et d’Accompagnement de la Qualité” of the University of Liege.