The Silicon Valley is the nerve center of the global startup and innovation ecosystem, where the majority of investment collection opportunities are gathered, strategic partners and global business contacts are sought.
Since 2015, the Emilia-Romagna Region has been present in Silicon Valley through the ASTER Consortium Company, which manages regional internationalization projects towards Silicon Valley and the permanent facility in San Francisco. Since 2017, the Emilia-Romagna Region has expanded its activities to involve not only the startups, but the whole regional innovative ecosystem, starting from the most innovative companies.
PlumeSTARS was chosen among the 16 companies on the list that have passed the pre-assessment and are therefore invited to participate in the boot camp on 25, 26 and 27 June 2019 in Bologna.
The Business Match program and the related boot camp are managed by ART-ER thanks to funds from the Emilia-Romagna Region. Topics of the Emilia-Romagna actions in Silicon Valley, with the collaboration of the USMAC partner – US Market Access Center. The co-CEOs of the Company, Alfredo Coppola and Chris Burry, will be in Bologna to hold the boot camp.
The boot camp is an intensive training on how to do business with Silicon Valley, but also an evaluation step of the Call: at the end of the boot camp, in fact, the 8 companies that will access the Business Match service program in Silicon Valley itself.